Vision Management; Complete Family Eyecare provides treatment, consultation and referrals for vision correction, surgeries and procedures.
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Pennsylvania Diabetic Eye Health Alliance (PDEHA)
The Pennsylvania Diabetic Eye Health Alliance (PDEHA) was launched in 2009, this program is designed to ensure diabetic patients receive the elevated standard of care their condition requires. Diabetes is a disease that affects more than 25 million children and adults in the United States and is the leading cause of new cases of blindness for adults from 20 to 74 years of age*. As is the case with most sight threatening diseases, early diagnosis is the best line of defense which is why it is imperative that diabetic patients have yearly eye examinations with dilations.
The PDEHA is an effort on the part of the Pennsylvania Optometric Association (POA) to ensure diabetic patients are able to access the care they need effectively and efficiently. As proud members of the POA and this alliance, the doctors of Complete Family Eyecare have formally committed to the mission and objectives of this program. Our doctors have and will continue to improve the care to our diabetic patients by performing extensive testing to rule out any ocular complications that commonly occur in diabetic patients such as diabetic retinopathy. As a diabetic patient you can be sure that the doctors of Complete Family Eyecare will communicate their findings with other members of your health care team to ensure your overall health. We believe our diabetic patients are better served when we coordinate care with other members of their medical team and elevate the care they receive.
*Source: American Diabetes Association